In Kuźnia Jawor we want to produce in a safer, better and cheaper way, as well as on time and more.


Safety is the aspect that governs all the company’s activities – we not only care about the safety of our team during the work, but also take into account the welfare of the customer using our products. We also care about the protection of the natural environment.


We place great emphasis on regular improvement of our team’s qualifications and constant development of the company – both in the activities carried out and in the development of production technologies. We work with Polish universities, conducting various research and development projects.


The priority in our work is care for the high quality of manufactured products, which is why we invest in new technological solutions that will not increase the prices we offer. We want to sell our products at a fair price, adequate to the good quality level.

On time

We realise that the trust needs to be earned and then you need to work hard to maintain it. We fulfill our tasks in a convenient period time for the client and execute them with due diligence


As a company, we are constantly developing. We invest in new machines and technological solutions allowing for acceleration and expansion of production while maintaining high quality.

Our goal is to maintain long-term customers’ trust.

We achieve this goal by:

1. Implementation of a quality management system in accordance with the standard in the automotive industry.
2. Research on the needs and expectations of key stakeholders.
3. Continuous improvement of product quality and delivery times.
4. Continuous team development and improvement of qualifications, cooperation created on a partnership basis and conscious involvement of all employees.
5. Long-term and partner cooperation with external suppliers.
6. Streamlining processes to reduce the burden on the environment.
7. Continuous improvement of the implemented Quality Management System.

We use a process approach based on the PDCA cycle: Plan – Perform – Check – Act.